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Julianne Bell

Julianne Bell

Founder and Managing Director

I set up Act to Connect to bring values guided, compassionate, and effective behaviour therapy to children and young people in Northern Ireland. A further hope is to help the helpers i.e. to empower the key adults in children's and young peoples lives, such as their parents, teachers and youth leaders, with the knowledge and tools to create environments in which children thrive.

I completed a Psychology Undergraduate Degree, received a Masters with Distinction in Behaviour Analysis and have certification UK Behaviour Analyst Certification. I specialise in supporting children, teens and young adults who struggle with the challenges associated with OCD and Anxiety, Emotional and Behavioural Disorder and Sleep Disorders with a focus on how these difficulties uniquely impact Autistic and other neurodiverse individuals.

My clinical practice is a strengths-based approach which is grounded in evidence-based practices within Clinical Behaviour Analysis such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Behavioural Parent Training, Exposure and Habit reversal therapies to name a few.

My work reflects my personal and professional values of compassion, choice and empowerment, and scientific principles. After 23 years in this field, I am still amazed and excited when I get to support and witness kids, young people and caregivers engaging in new perspectives and learning new skills that bring joy into their life. I get to be there as they take incredibly brave actions that help them connect with what they most value in life in the face of very real and present difficulties.
